The Future of Convenience 2018 Speakers Presentations

The Challenges Facing Us

by Jill Livesey, Managing Director, HIM

The convenience sector remains the sector of choice for UK households, however shopper behaviours are changing. Shoppers are more demanding than ever and the new generation of shopper are more price sensitive.  


Generation Z: Tomorrow's Shopper Today

by Josh Clifton, Client Development Manager, HIM

Gen Z are your shoppers of tomorrow and today. The average age of a convenience shopper in 2017 is was mid 40’s. This will be a millennial in 10 years’ time… See why we must act now in order to engage with Gen Z


Glass Box Brands: Seeing Is Believing

by Blake Gladman, Content & Innovation Director, HIM

Brand's authenticity and transparency are key to success in the connected world. Shoppers are more conscious of provenance and sourcing, establishing trust is more important than ever before.